
How can I get in contact with NETZSCH?
For a number of requests, which (yet) cannot digitally be met by the MyNETZSCH platform, we have prepared contact forms for you which are directly routed to your responsable contact partners. You can find the contact forms underneath the action button with the envelope on the right side of your screen.

How can I request technical service?
You can contact the technical service department using the related contact forms, which have been prepared for a number of services. You can find the contact forms underneath the action button with the envelope on the right side of your screen.
Where can I find my terms and conditions?
Anytime you caculate a cart the link to the “General terms and conditions” which are relevant for you is shown above the action button “Request quote” and/ or “Place order”. This link is dynamically created depending on the country where your company is located and the NETZSCH subsidiary from where you buy.
What to do with the used stator?
We offer you the return of your stator according to the German recycling law. Further information can be found in our delivery terms. We collect the stators for sustainable recycling. When the stator is melted in the recycling process, the elastomer provides energy for the melt and burns at the high temperatures without leaving any residue.

(Spare part) Order

I want to order spare parts
MyNETZSCH offers you several options to do so:
The “My Spare Parts” section offers different ways to identify and select spare parts and add them to the cart:

If you know the Spare Part # straight away, you can enter it directly into the slot in the View Spare Part teaser. This will lead you straight to the specific Spare Part Detail Page where you can add it to the cart.

If you are looking for a spare part for a certain machine, you can enter the machine serial # into the search slot on the teaser “Find by Machine”. This will lead you to the specific Machine detail page, where you can look up the spare part from the spare parts list (BOM – Bill of Material).

If you need more than one spare part and have prepared your own spare part list, e.g. for a certain project, you may import the list as a simple *.csv file in UTF-8 standard format directly into the cart, using the import function provided in the teaser Import Spare Part.
*.csv. in UTF-8 standard format

In the “My Machines” section you can identify the machine for which you want to order a specific spare part on the Machine Overview page. After selecting this relevant machine the machine detail page opens and you can select each spare part on line level and simply add it to the cart by clicking the button at the end of each line.

If you know the Spare Part # straight away, you can enter it directly into the slot at the bottom of the cart. To get there just click on the Cart Icon at the right end side of the action bar.
I want to reorder spare parts from an existing order
Your main entry will be the “My Orders” section.

Here you can select the relevant order from the shown list and activate the order detail page by simply clicking on the order #.

If your list of orders is quite long you may enter the order # in the filter on the left hand side. If you are not sure about the order # you may shorten the list by using various filter options, e.g. by order status or order date, etc.

Once you have added spare parts to the cart you can change the quantities you need.
I want to reorder spare parts from an existing order with changed quantities
Follow the instruction to order again from a completed order.

Once you have added parts to the cart you can change the quantities you need.
I want to see my machines - My Machines
In the “My Machines” section you can identify the machines which have been registered for you. As the machines are divided according to their pump technology, please first chose the right product category on the My Machines Page.

If you are interested in a particular machine you can just click on the “Search by serial#” button in the action bar. The machine detail page will be shown to you regardless of the pump technology.
I want to add a machine - My Machines

If you are missing a machine to see the related machine information, you can request via the contact form Request machine registration that this machine is added to your overview under My Machines. We will internally check and provide the information as soon as possible.

You can find the contact form underneath the action button with the envelope on the right side of your screen.

I want to I cancel an open / in progress / completed order or send parts back
When an order has been created and is displayed in the order overview, you can request a change of the order via the contact form "Change order" which you can find underneath the action button with the envelope on the right side of your screen. Enter the order # and your request, the sales colleagues will prove your request and inform you about the possible options depending on the status of the order: open/ in progress/ completed.
I want to (re)order a machine - My Machines (request quote)
Currently you cannot configure a machine on the MyNETZSCH platform, but you can reorder a machine which you have ordered in the past. You can copy the machine # from an existing order or invoice and enter it into the contact form “Reorder machine” which you can find underneath the action button with the envelope on the right side of your screen. The NETZSCH sales team will check the configuration of the pump and send you an updated quote. If you want to order a new machine please enter your request in the contact form “Other requests” which you can find underneath the action button with the envelope on the right side of your screen. The NETZSCH sales team will check the configuration of the pump and send you a quote.
Can I return the goods?

There is a standardized procedure to reduce goods to NETZSCH depending on the question whether the material has been in contact with the conveyed media or not. You can start the process by chosing “File a return consignment” (PDF) from the contact forms provided underneath the action button with the envelope at the right side of your screen.


I want to see my quotes - My Quotes
You can find all quotes you received from NETZSCH under My Quotes. The status of the quote is displayed in the table on the Quotes overview page.
I want to see my orders - My Orders
You can find all orders you have placed at NETZSCH under My Orders. The status of the quote is displayed in the table on the Order overview page.
I want to see my invoices - My Invoices
You can find all invoices you have received from NETZSCH under My Invoices. The status of the invoice is displayed in the table on the Invoice overview page.

Please note that some customers have separate company accounts set up for accounting so that you may not see the invoices. If you need to see them, please contact your admin for support.
I want to find my NETZSCH contacts - personal settings - MyCompany
You can find the email addresses of your Main NETZSCH sales representative and the Supporting NETZSCH sales representatives in the My Company section underneath your personal settings in the top right corner.

Personal Settings

I want to see/ change my delivery address - personal settings - MyCompany
If you are filling a cart and want to change the delivery address for this cart you can use the edit function in the cart head.

If you permanently want to change the delivery address for the company account, please get in touch with your admin. The NETZSCH sales team will clarify this request.
I want to see/ change my delivery mode - Cart
If you are filling a cart you find the delivery mode filed for your company in the cart head.

This delivery mode is currently not editable.

If you (permanently) want to change the delivery mode for the cart or for the company account, please get in touch with your admin. The NETZSCH sales team will clarify this request.
I want to see/ change my payment address - personal settings - MyCompany
If you (permanently) want to change the delivery address for the company account, please get in touch with your admin. The NETZSCH sales team will clarify this request.
I want to change my password - personal settings
You can change your password anytime in the Change Password section underneath your personal settings in the top right corner.